Chef`s Dossier

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Chef Cook

Chief Cook Anna Skrażyńska - it is thanks to her extraordinary skills and exceptional culinary artistry that the dishes in the Captain's Tavern gain their extraordinary dimension.

For many years, artists have been delighted with its cuisine and it is thanks to the persuasions of cinema, television and stage stars - which convinced her to open a restaurant - that today you have the opportunity to try its unique dishes.

The highest quality

The chef of the Tawerna Kapitańska restaurant  prepares her dishes only from the highest quality products. We can guarantee their quality because most of them, including vegetables, eggs, herbs, honey, as well as lamb, lobster, trout and sturgeon, come from our own farm. All others are imported from trusted and proven suppliers with whom we have been cooperating for many years.
The combination of high culinary craftsmanship and passion with the quality of products gives unique results. As a result, Mrs. Anna's dishes have gained a group of devoted enthusiasts who, to try them, attract to the Captain's Tavern even from the far ends of the globe.